Sunday, 12 June 2011

herself very very busy .........

Just because I haven't blogged for a while doesn't mean I haven't been making things. Quite the opposite really.

Firstly I did a bit of an overhaul on our front door. It took lots of cleaning, primer, and coats of paint and it's almost done. You could call it a bit of an extreme makeover, not because it changed the whole look of the house, but because it was done during extremely hot temperatures ... all above 90 degrees. That'll make a woman tired I tell ya! I'll post some befores and afters when it's completed finished.

Then I did get some paper crafting in too. This card is for a red, white and blue swap on Split Coast Stampers. Not a very fancy or difficult card but I quite like it anyway. It says Smile on the front and on the inside "the world is your Lobster!" Bit of a pun .... well I think it's kinda funny.

I took a trip over the James River Bridge yesterday. It's like nothing we have at home, or even in the UK as far as I know. It's a bit like London Bridge in that it opens to let ships through, only it's a whopping 4.5 miles long!

It was a lovely drive over the water in the sunshine and there, just off the other end of the bridge, like a little pot of gold awaiting me was Bella's Fabrics. As I've mentioned before, I've really got back in to sewing since I moved here. The fabrics are just so tempting and the choice is fabulous. Anyway I went for something completely different than what I came away with, but when I saw this kitty fabric I just couldn't leave without it. So tonight I made myself a little shopper with it. It brings a smile to my face, and all sewn on my lovely little OAP machine. I hope you can see the advertisements on it clearly. They are so cute as is our big guy who is checking out the kitties lol!

Well after the front door is completely finished I have a bathroom makeover to do, then a little mini book to hold the instructions for my Featherweight. Soooo far from being done just yet!