Sunday, 5 February 2012

More stitchery ............

Ok so perhaps this is getting a little boring for any poor reader that might happen here, BUT, it's exciting for me to learn a new skill.

Anyway I had a go at some free standing lace (FSL to embroiderer apparently :o)) and this is the result of quite a few hours work. It turned out pretty and it might make a nice little ring carrier box or something - not sure what I'll do with it yet but for now it was good just to see how it all came together. I embroidered it on to mylar just some sparkle. Now I'm thinking I might do one on red mylar in black just for the heck of it!

I also made myself a little case for my glasses. This turned out pretty cute so I may make some of these for The Cat Corner for fundraising etc.

Next project will be a "red" heart health hat for a competition M. has entered us (I think that means ME!) for at work. I have an idea of what I want to do but will my skill level be able to bring it to fruition????? Watch for next weeks exciting episode ;oS